Monday, June 22, 2009

5-day precip from HPC (updated!)

Updated 7/20/09: If you were wondering how the HPC did with this forecast, the six-day total (I threw in a day for them), June 22-27 at MSP, was .88"...about 29% of what they called for.

Below is the 5-day "QPF" (Quantitative Precipitation Forecast) from the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC), issued at 7 AM CDT on Monday June 22, 2009. In other words, this shows the expected total rainfall during the next five days.

These forecasts have been coming in quite a bit wet over the past week or so in the Twin Cities area. Recent heavy rains certainly have dented the regional drought, but over east-central MN and west-central WI, we've seen little improvement. Calling for 3" in five days at a time when we can barely get that amount in two months seems bold to me, but I hope it happens, mostly for selfish reasons. You can follow the changing forecast values here.


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